< Mighty Mike Macenko

Team Statistics


Team Statistics

The Dual was played on 300 foot fences and it was 310 ft to centerfield on all of the diamonds for The Texas Dual Event. The balls that were used were the Dudley ZN Pro M softball... On Sunday they had started to run out of the Pro M balls and they were trying to finish up the event by using the Worth Hot Dot Classic Plus. A 52/275 softball...
These are the Worth Hot Dot Classic Plus - 52/275 cores. These are the Dudley ZN Pro M Balls-44/375 cores.....

Travis Clark
Josh Riley
Buddy Wolf
Brian Connell & Phil Matte
The Krecher Bat and Bat Pack
Kevin Bazat

14 Kevin Bazat 13 Bradley Jones 04 Kyle Overstreet 06 Cory Briggs 88 Mike Manning
23 Kyle Pearson 07 Greg Connell 10 Tyler Marshburn 16 Bradley Reckart 42 Scott Hartling
03 Phil Matte 09 Josh Riley 08 Travis Clark 94 Buddy Wolf 36 Everett Williams
  24 Chad Mullins 44 Brett Helmer 21 Nicolas Santana Zachary Sait Pierre

When you are looking for a Class A Restoration Company don't hesitate to call Jimmy and Cathy Thurman... They live in
Minnesota but don't let that stop you.. They can connect you th right company anywhere in the country... Thanks Jimmy and Cathy



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