< Teamster 293

One of the strongest softball teams in the city of Cleveland for years.. They were also Nationally ranked every year.... Story to come...

Mike Campo - Outfield
Neil Brandt - Infield, Outfield
Frank Salvo - Outfield
Mark Brown - Outfield

Ken Presseren - Infield
Jim Vacarrine - Outfield
Richie Amsden - Infield
Fred Miller - Infield

Dave Watson - Catcher, Infield
Billy Kloczko - Infield-outfield
Ted Manfress - Infield
Ken Loeri - Outfield

Dave Jacubs - Infield
Jerry Petkof - Outfield
Frank Felice - Infield
Dick Kovall - Manager

Steve Galetti - Infield, Outfield
Ron Woods - Pitcher

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